Career tips and workplace strategies

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Aileen Carson Aileen Carson

3 tips for managing change

Change is uncomfortable, even when it’s a change you are choosing to make in your life, such as applying for a new job or changing career. Sometimes change can be accompanied by fear and doubt. How do you know if you’re making the right choice? What if it doesn’t work out?

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Aileen Carson Aileen Carson

Mastering the art of goal-setting

If you’ve ever set yourself a goal, but struggled to achieve it, you’re not alone. You might have started out full of enthusiasm, but then found that staying motivated can be a challenge, especially if you don’t see quick results.

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Aileen Carson Aileen Carson

Cultivating self-belief: 3 practical strategies

It’s never helpful to be told to believe in yourself. If it was that simple, no one would ever experience self-doubt or lack confidence. However, having belief in your abilities is a great way to help you find the confidence to take action and move forward in your career, but it can be difficult to do. Here are three strategies to help you.

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Aileen Carson Aileen Carson

Resilience: taking your time to bounce back

Resilience is often described as bouncing back from adversity, but sometimes it can take time to recover from difficult circumstances. While it’s important to have the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, it’s also important to take your time to reflect on what you’ve been through and work out a way forward.

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Aileen Carson Aileen Carson

Empower yourself: 4 tips for managing overwhelm

Managing stress when you’re juggling responsibilities at home and at work, and often neglecting your own needs at the same time, is challenging. It often feels impossible to get the balance right, but if you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s essential that you take steps to address this.

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Aileen Carson Aileen Carson

How to persuade employers to hire you

If you’re considering a career change or if you are returning to work after a career break and want to try something different, it can be difficult persuading employers to hire you.

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Aileen Carson Aileen Carson

4 tips for selecting the right coach

Increasing numbers of people are recognising the benefits of hiring coaches to help them achieve a goal or transform a particular area of their life. Coaches can be invaluable as they are objective and will work in partnership with you without telling you what to do. However, finding one who is right for you can be difficult if you don’t know what to look for.

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